Let’s fix accountability for your pink slip

Company ‘A’ served pink slip to its 10000+ employees. Company ‘B’ decided to reduce 5000+ workforce in Q3. Board of Directors of ‘C’, hints for workforce consolidation. A common lunch room discussion these days, in most of the IT companies. Scary but that’s the reality, isn’t it. Be it a giant venture or a small…

Day 3 – Interact with your WebPage

Have you tried with the addresses we discussed last day?  What did you find?  Let’s discuss two of those Address 1 : $x(“//div[@class=’columns-container’]”) Address 3 : $x(“//input[@name=’search_query’]’) Could you see that the element itself was telling its address?  See this in details Just think, manually what you were doing with a web page. For me…

Defect Density – An effective Software Quality Metric

In recent years, we have seen a significant transition of software development process from traditional waterfall to iterative / Agile / SAFe and list goes on. No mater what software development process team follows, ultimate goal is to ensure product stability and and quality of the product release by release, which normally measured and tracked…